Spedizioni Gratuita sopra € 49,90

We are www.bottegaligure.it, a digital platform created to enhance the productive and cultural excellence of the Liguria Region.

We collaborate with local producers and artisans providing not only a commercial and logistic service but also concrete support in understanding and making the most of digital transformation.

If you are a small Ligurian producer or artisan you can promote your best products on the global market in order to potentially reach the whole world.

Our supportive solidarity consists in Fr. bring a space of visibility on our “digital shelves” completely free until March 31, 2021.

All you have to do is send us (or deliver us directly) the products you intend to promote and we:

Ligurian workshop

Fill out the form below to be contacted by one of our operators without obligation. We will explain to you the features of the service and how to proceed to activate it. Dozens of producers are already part of our project. Don’t wait any longer, customers all over the world want to try your products!

Request more information

Fill out the form to be contacted by one of our operators without obligation. We will explain to you the features of the service and how to proceed to activate it. Dozens of producers are already part of our project! Don’t wait any longer, people want to try your products. Get found and sell all over the world.